Class Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter

  extended bycom.taursys.dom.DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter
      extended bycom.taursys.dom.DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter
          extended bycom.taursys.dom.Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter
extends DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter

Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter is DocumentAdapter for Tidy DOM version 2 11/13/2000


Constructor Summary
Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter(java.lang.Object newDoc)
          Constructs a new Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter for given document.
Method Summary
 void importContents(DocumentAdapter sourceAdapter, java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String destId)
          Import the contents from the given sourceAdapter at the sourceId and replace the contents of the destId in this DocumentAdapter.
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.dom.DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter
createDefaultWriter, findFirstTextNode, getAttribute, getDocument, getElementById, getElementText, getIdentifierMap, getXMLWriter, hasChildElements, mapIdentifiers, removeAttribute, setAttributeText, setDocument, setElementText, setElementText, setXMLWriter, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter(java.lang.Object newDoc)
Constructs a new Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter for given document. Also maps all the identifiers for this document

newDoc - document managed by this adapter
Method Detail


public void importContents(DocumentAdapter sourceAdapter,
                           java.lang.String sourceId,
                           java.lang.String destId)
                    throws DocumentAdapterException
Import the contents from the given sourceAdapter at the sourceId and replace the contents of the destId in this DocumentAdapter. All the child contents of the sourceId are copied (not including the element with the sourceId). The id's are then re-mapped for this document.

Specified by:
importContents in interface DocumentAdapter
importContents in class DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter
sourceAdapter - the source DocumentAdapter for the import
sourceId - the parent element to import contents from
destId - the parent element to import the contents to
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any arguments are null
DocumentAdapterException - if sourceId or destId is invalid

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