Uses of Interface

Packages that use DocumentAdapter
com.taursys.dom This package contains classes to support and utilize the Document Object Model. 
com.taursys.xml This package contains the core Mapper XML components and containers. 
com.taursys.xml.render This package contains rendering subcomponents for Mapper XML components. 

Uses of DocumentAdapter in com.taursys.dom

Classes in com.taursys.dom that implement DocumentAdapter
 class DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter
          DocumentAdapter for DOM version 1 09/29/2000
 class DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter
          DocumentAdapter for DOM version 2 11/13/2000
 class Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter
          Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter is DocumentAdapter for Tidy DOM version 2 11/13/2000

Methods in com.taursys.dom that return DocumentAdapter
 DocumentAdapter is)
 DocumentAdapter is)
 DocumentAdapter is)
 DocumentAdapter DOMDocumentAdapterFactory.newDOMDocumentAdapter(java.lang.Object doc)
          Create new DOM type DocumentAdapter which conforms to the DOM implementation level of the given Document object.
abstract  DocumentAdapter is)
          Build a new DocumentAdapter from the XML document contained in the InputStream.
 DocumentAdapter clazz, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Build a new DocumentAdapter from the XML document contained in the indicated resource in the jar of the given class.
 DocumentAdapter loader, java.lang.String resourceName)
          Build a new DocumentAdapter from the XML document read as a resource using the given ClassLoader.
 DocumentAdapter url)
          Build a new DocumentAdapter from the XML document found at the URL.
 DocumentAdapter uri)
          Build a new DocumentAdapter from the XML document found at the given String URI.

Methods in com.taursys.dom with parameters of type DocumentAdapter
 void Tidy_DOM_2_20001113_DocumentAdapter.importContents(DocumentAdapter sourceAdapter, java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String destId)
          Import the contents from the given sourceAdapter at the sourceId and replace the contents of the destId in this DocumentAdapter.
 void DOM_1_20000929_DocumentAdapter.importContents(DocumentAdapter sourceAdapter, java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String destId)
          Import the contents from the given sourceAdapter at the sourceId and replace the contents of the destId in this DocumentAdapter.
 void DocumentAdapter.importContents(DocumentAdapter sourceAdapter, java.lang.String sourceId, java.lang.String destId)
          Import the contents from the given sourceAdapter at the sourceId and replace the contents of the destId in this DocumentAdapter.

Uses of DocumentAdapter in com.taursys.dom.test.util

Methods in com.taursys.dom.test.util that return DocumentAdapter
 DocumentAdapter is)
          Test method checks that InputStream is not null and that it can read a byte from the stream.

Uses of DocumentAdapter in com.taursys.xml

Methods in com.taursys.xml that return DocumentAdapter
 DocumentAdapter Form.getDocumentAdapter()
          Gets the documentAdapter for this form.
 DocumentAdapter Container.getDocumentAdapter()
          Returns the DocumentAdapter from the parent else null if no parent.

Methods in com.taursys.xml with parameters of type DocumentAdapter
 void Form.setDocumentAdapter(DocumentAdapter newDocumentAdapter)
          Sets the documentAdapter for this form.

Uses of DocumentAdapter in com.taursys.xml.render

Fields in com.taursys.xml.render declared as DocumentAdapter
protected  DocumentAdapter AbstractSubcomponentRenderer.da
protected  DocumentAdapter AbstractRenderer.parentDocumentAdapter

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