Uses of Interface

Packages that use Responder
com.taursys.servlet This package contains components and subcomponents to build servlet based web applications. 
com.taursys.servlet.respond This package contains responder type subcomponents for building servlet based web applications. 

Uses of Responder in com.taursys.servlet

Methods in com.taursys.servlet that return Responder
protected  Responder ServletForm.createDefaultResponder()
          Creates the default Responder for this component.
 Responder ServletForm.getResponder()
          Get the Responder which will provide appropriate response.

Methods in com.taursys.servlet with parameters of type Responder
 void ServletForm.setResponder(Responder newResponder)
          Set the Responder which will provide appropriate response.

Uses of Responder in com.taursys.servlet.respond

Classes in com.taursys.servlet.respond that implement Responder
 class AbstractResponder
          AbstractResponder is a base class for most responders.
 class ClientRedirectResponder
          ClientRedirectResponder redirects the client to a URL as the response.
 class ContentResponder
          ContentResponder is abstract responder which has a contentType
 class ErrorResponder
          ErrorResponder sends status code and optional message as response.
 class HTMLResponder
          HTMLResponder provides rendering and sending Document as response.
 class NoResponseResponder
          NoResponseResponder responds by doing nothing.
 class StreamResponder
          StreamResponder responds by sending its input stream to the response output stream.

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