Class MTableColumn

  extended byjavax.swing.table.TableColumn
      extended bycom.taursys.swing.MTableColumn
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MTableColumn
extends javax.swing.table.TableColumn

MTableColumn is a TableColumn for use with an MTable. This column contains additional information for binding and formatting. The following special actions take place when adding this MTableColumn to an MTable:

You can also control the format, alignment, and size of the column by setting the appropriate properties of this object.

Marty Phelan
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
CELL_RENDERER_PROPERTY, cellEditor, cellRenderer, COLUMN_WIDTH_PROPERTY, HEADER_RENDERER_PROPERTY, HEADER_VALUE_PROPERTY, headerRenderer, headerValue, identifier, isResizable, maxWidth, minWidth, modelIndex, resizedPostingDisableCount, width
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new MTableColumn
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDisplayHeading()
          Get the Heading to display for this MTableColumn.
 java.text.Format getFormat()
          Get the Format used for rendering this column.
 java.lang.String getFormatPattern()
          Get the Format pattern used for rendering this column.
 int getHorizontalAlignment()
          Get the horizontal alignment of the icon and text for the cell.
 MTableCellRenderer getMTableCellRenderer()
          Get the CellRenderer and cast it as an MTableCellRenderer (convience method).
 java.lang.String getPropertyName()
          Get the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel.
 ValueHolder getValueHolder()
          Get the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.
 void setDisplayHeading(java.lang.String newDisplayHeading)
          Set the Heading to display for this MTableColumn.
 void setFormat(java.text.Format format)
          Set the Format used for rendering this column.
 void setFormatPattern(java.lang.String newPattern)
          Set the Format pattern used for rendering this column.
 void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment)
          Set the horizontal alignment of the icon and text for the cell.
 void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
          Set the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel.
 void setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Set the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.table.TableColumn
addPropertyChangeListener, createDefaultHeaderRenderer, disableResizedPosting, enableResizedPosting, getCellEditor, getCellRenderer, getHeaderRenderer, getHeaderValue, getIdentifier, getMaxWidth, getMinWidth, getModelIndex, getPreferredWidth, getPropertyChangeListeners, getResizable, getWidth, removePropertyChangeListener, setCellEditor, setCellRenderer, setHeaderRenderer, setHeaderValue, setIdentifier, setMaxWidth, setMinWidth, setModelIndex, setPreferredWidth, setResizable, setWidth, sizeWidthToFit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MTableColumn()
Constructs a new MTableColumn

Method Detail


public MTableCellRenderer getMTableCellRenderer()
Get the CellRenderer and cast it as an MTableCellRenderer (convience method).

the CellRenderer and cast it as an MTableCellRenderer


public void setFormat(java.text.Format format)
Set the Format used for rendering this column. This must be a subclass of java.text.Format. The format is passed to the underlying MTableCellRenderer to be used during rendition.

format - the Format used for rendering this column


public java.text.Format getFormat()
Get the Format used for rendering this column. This must be a subclass of java.text.Format. The format is passed to the underlying MTableCellRenderer to be used during rendition.

the Format used for rendering this column


public void setFormatPattern(java.lang.String newPattern)
Set the Format pattern used for rendering this column. This must be a valid format String for the current Format. The format pattern is passed to the underlying MTableCellRenderer to be used during rendition.

newPattern - the Format pattern used for rendering this column


public java.lang.String getFormatPattern()
Get the Format pattern used for rendering this column. This must be a valid format String for the current Format. The format pattern is passed to the underlying MTableCellRenderer to be used during rendition.

the Format pattern used for rendering this column


public void setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment)
Set the horizontal alignment of the icon and text for the cell.

alignment - - One of the following constants defined in SwingConstants: LEFT, CENTER (the default for image-only labels), RIGHT, LEADING (the default for text-only labels) or TRAILING.


public int getHorizontalAlignment()
Get the horizontal alignment of the icon and text for the cell.

alignment - One of the following constants defined in SwingConstants: LEFT, CENTER (the default for image-only labels), RIGHT, LEADING (the default for text-only labels) or TRAILING.


public void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
Set the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel. This propertyName must be a valid propertyName for the object contained in the ListValueHolder of the MTableModel. When this MTableColumn is added to an MTable, this propertyName is used to set the modelIndex by finding the column in the MTableModel. If it is not found, this property is added to the MTableModel's list of columns.

newPropertyName - the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel.


public java.lang.String getPropertyName()
Get the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel. This propertyName must be a valid propertyName for the object contained in the ListValueHolder of the MTableModel. When this MTableColumn is added to an MTable, this propertyName is used to set the modelIndex by finding the column in the MTableModel. If it is not found, this property is added to the MTableModel's list of columns.

the propertyName for the corresponding columnName in the MTableModel.


public void setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
Set the valueHolder for this MTableColumn. This is usually set automatically when this MTableColumn is added to the MTable.

newValueHolder - the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.


public ValueHolder getValueHolder()
Get the valueHolder for this MTableColumn. This is usually set automatically when this MTableColumn is added to the MTable.

the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.


public void setDisplayHeading(java.lang.String newDisplayHeading)
Set the Heading to display for this MTableColumn. This simply calls the setHeaderValue with a String value rather than Object value.

newDisplayHeading - the Heading to display for this MTableColumn


public java.lang.String getDisplayHeading()
Get the Heading to display for this MTableColumn. This simply calls the getHeaderValue returning a String value rather than Object value.

the Heading to display for this MTableColumn

Copyright © 2007 Martin T Phelan. All Rights Reserved.