Class Button

  extended bycom.taursys.xml.Component
      extended bycom.taursys.xml.Trigger
          extended bycom.taursys.xml.Button
All Implemented Interfaces:
DocumentComponent, Element, MapperComponent

public class Button
extends Trigger
implements Element

Button is a visible Trigger

Marty Phelan

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new Button
Method Summary
 void addAttribute(Attribute attribute)
          Add the given Attribute to this Element.
 void addNotify()
          Registers this component with dispatcher to be notified of ParameterEvents This method invokes the lazyAddNotify method to perform the work
 void addTextNode(TextNode t)
          Add the given TextNode to this Element.
 Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element.
 Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, int dataType)
          Creates and binds an Attribute of the given type with the given name to this Element.
 Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
          Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element.
 Attribute createBoundAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element.
 TextNode createBoundTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Creates and binds a TextNode with the given name to this Element.
protected  VisibleRenderer createDefaultRenderer()
          Creates the default TextFieldRenderer for this component.
 TextNode createTextNode()
          Creates and binds a TextNode to this Element.
 TextNode createTextNode(int dataType)
          Creates and binds a TextNode of the given type to this Element.
 TextNode createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
          Creates and binds a TextNode with the given name to this Element.
 Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Gets an Attribute by name or null if it does not exist
 java.lang.String getAttributeText(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Gets an Attribute's text value by name or null if it does not exist
 java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Gets an Attribute's Object value by name or null if it does not exist
 ElementDelegate getElementDelegate()
          Get the ElementDelegate for this component.
 java.lang.String getId()
          Returns the id of the node this component is bound to.
 VisibleRenderer getRenderer()
          Get the Renderer for this component.
 TextNode getTextNode()
          Gets the TextNode or null if it does not exist
 java.lang.String getTextNodeText()
          Gets the TextNode's text value or null if it does not exist
 java.lang.Object getTextNodeValue()
          Gets the TextNode's Object value or null if it does not exist
 void processRenderEvent(RenderEvent e)
          Responds to a render event for this component.
 void removeAttribute(Attribute attribute)
          Removes the given Attribute from this Element and sets its parent to null.
 void removeAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Removes the Attribute with the given name from this Container if found.
 void removeNotify()
          Un-Registers this component with dispatcher.
 void removeTextNode()
          Removes the TextNode from this Container if exists.
 void removeTextNode(TextNode t)
          Removes the given TextNode from this Element and sets its parent to null.
 void setAttributeText(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String value)
          Sets an Attribute's text value by name or does nothing if it does not exist.
 void setAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets an Attribute's Object value by name or does nothing if it does not exist.
 void setId(java.lang.String newId)
          Sets the id of the node this component is bound to.
 void setTextNodeText(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the TextNode's text value or does nothing if it does not exist.
 void setTextNodeValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the TextNode's Object value or does nothing if it does not exist.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.Trigger
createDefaultModel, getModel, getParameter, getText, isDefaultTrigger, processTriggerEvent, setDefaultTrigger, setModel, setParameter, setText
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.Component
addEventType, addInputListener, addParameterListener, addRecycleListener, addRenderListener, addTriggerListener, dispatchEvent, fireActionPerformed, fireInputReceived, fireParameterReceived, fireRecycle, fireRender, getEventTypeList, getParent, isNotifySet, isVisible, lazyAddNotify, lazyRemoveNotify, processEvent, processInputEvent, processParameterEvent, processRecycleEvent, removeEventType, removeInputListener, removeParameterListener, removeRecycleListener, removeRenderListener, removeTriggerListener, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Button()
Constructs a new Button

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getId()
Returns the id of the node this component is bound to. This is the node which this component will replicate.

Specified by:
getId in interface DocumentComponent


public void setId(java.lang.String newId)
Sets the id of the node this component is bound to. This is the node which this component will replicate.

Specified by:
setId in interface DocumentComponent


public ElementDelegate getElementDelegate()
Get the ElementDelegate for this component.

the ElementDelegate for this component.


protected VisibleRenderer createDefaultRenderer()
Creates the default TextFieldRenderer for this component. By Default this methos returns a new TextFieldRenderer. Override this method to define your own TextFieldRenderer.


public VisibleRenderer getRenderer()
Get the Renderer for this component.

the Renderer for this component.


public void processRenderEvent(RenderEvent e)
                        throws RenderException
Responds to a render event for this component. This uses the renderer subcomponent to actually render the value. It first notifies any RenderListeners of the event. It then invokes the renderer subcomponent to render the value to the document.

processRenderEvent in class Component
e - the current render event message
RenderException - if problem rendering value to document


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. This contains the object identity and state information.

toString in class Trigger
a string representation of this object


public void addAttribute(Attribute attribute)
Description copied from interface: Element
Add the given Attribute to this Element. No action is taken if the attribute already belongs to this Element. If the Attribute belongs to another Element as indicated by its parent, it is first removed from the old Element before it is added to this Element. Finally, it is added to this Element and its parent is set to this Element. The Attribute's addNotify method is also invoked so it will be notified of events it is interested in.

Specified by:
addAttribute in interface Element
attribute - the Attribute to add


public void removeAttribute(Attribute attribute)
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes the given Attribute from this Element and sets its parent to null. Also invokes removeNotify on the given Attribute so it will un-register itself with any dispatchers.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface Element
attribute - the Attribute to remove


public Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element. If the Attribute already exists, the existing one is returned.

Specified by:
createAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - name of the new Attribute
the newly created and bound Attribute


public Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                 int dataType)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds an Attribute of the given type with the given name to this Element. If the Attribute already exists, the existing one is returned.

Specified by:
createAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - name of the new Attribute
dataType - the data type for the new Attribute
the newly created and bound Attribute
See Also:


public Attribute createBoundAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                      java.lang.String propertyName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element. The Attribute is bound to this Element's valueHolder with the given propertyName. If the Attribute already exists, the propertyName is changed and the existing Attribute is returned.

Specified by:
createBoundAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - name of the new Attribute
propertyName - for the new Attribute
the newly created and bound Attribute


public Attribute createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                 java.lang.String propertyName,
                                 ValueHolder holder)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element. The Attribute is bound to the given valueHolder with the given propertyName. If the Attribute already exists, the valueHolder and propertyName are changed and the existing Attribute is returned. The Attribute is also un-bound from this Element's valueHolder.

Specified by:
createAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - name of the new Attribute
propertyName - for the new Attribute
holder - ValueHolder for the new Attribute
the newly created and bound Attribute


public Attribute getAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets an Attribute by name or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - the name of the Attribute
an Attribute by name or null if it does not exist


public java.lang.String getAttributeText(java.lang.String attributeName)
                                  throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets an Attribute's text value by name or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getAttributeText in interface Element
attributeName - the name of the Attribute
an Attribute's text value by name or null if it does not exist


public java.lang.Object getAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
                                   throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets an Attribute's Object value by name or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getAttributeValue in interface Element
attributeName -


public void removeAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes the Attribute with the given name from this Container if found. It does NOT alter the properties of the Attribute in any way.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface Element
attributeName - to remove


public void setAttributeText(java.lang.String attributeName,
                             java.lang.String value)
                      throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Sets an Attribute's text value by name or does nothing if it does not exist. Logs a warning if attribute does not exist.

Specified by:
setAttributeText in interface Element
attributeName - the name of the Attribute
value - the new String value for the Attribute


public void setAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName,
                              java.lang.Object value)
                       throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Sets an Attribute's Object value by name or does nothing if it does not exist. Logs a warning if attribute does not exist.

Specified by:
setAttributeValue in interface Element
attributeName -
value -


public void addTextNode(TextNode t)
Description copied from interface: Element
Add the given TextNode to this Element. No action is taken if a textNode already belongs to this Element. If the TextNode belongs to another Element as indicated by its parent, it is first removed from the old Element before it is added to this Element. Finally, it is added to this Element and its parent is set to this Element. The TextNode's addNotify method is also invoked so it will be notified of events it is interested in.

Specified by:
addTextNode in interface Element


public TextNode createBoundTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds a TextNode with the given name to this Element. The TextNode is bound to this Element's valueHolder with the given propertyName. If the TextNode already exists, the propertyName is changed and the existing TextNode is returned.

Specified by:
createBoundTextNode in interface Element
propertyName - for the new TextNode
the newly created and bound TextNode


public TextNode createTextNode()
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds a TextNode to this Element. If the TextNode already exists, the existing one is returned.

Specified by:
createTextNode in interface Element
the newly created and bound TextNode


public TextNode createTextNode(int dataType)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds a TextNode of the given type to this Element. If the TextNode already exists, the existing one is returned.

Specified by:
createTextNode in interface Element
dataType - the data type for the new TextNode
the newly created and bound TextNode
See Also:


public TextNode createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName,
                               ValueHolder holder)
Description copied from interface: Element
Creates and binds a TextNode with the given name to this Element. The TextNode is bound to the given valueHolder with the given propertyName. If the TextNode already exists, the valueHolder and propertyName are changed and the existing TextNode is returned. The TextNode is also un-bound from this Element's valueHolder.

Specified by:
createTextNode in interface Element
propertyName - for the new TextNode
holder - ValueHolder for the new TextNode
the newly created and bound TextNode


public TextNode getTextNode()
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets the TextNode or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getTextNode in interface Element
the TextNode or null if it does not exist


public java.lang.String getTextNodeText()
                                 throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets the TextNode's text value or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getTextNodeText in interface Element
the TextNode's text value or null if it does not exist


public java.lang.Object getTextNodeValue()
                                  throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Gets the TextNode's Object value or null if it does not exist

Specified by:
getTextNodeValue in interface Element
the TextNode's Object value or null if it does not exist


public void removeTextNode()
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes the TextNode from this Container if exists. It does NOT alter the properties of the TextNode in any way.

Specified by:
removeTextNode in interface Element


public void removeTextNode(TextNode t)
Description copied from interface: Element
Removes the given TextNode from this Element and sets its parent to null. Also invokes removeNotify on the given TextNode so it will un-register itself with any dispatchers.

Specified by:
removeTextNode in interface Element


public void setTextNodeText(java.lang.String value)
                     throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Sets the TextNode's text value or does nothing if it does not exist.

Specified by:
setTextNodeText in interface Element
value - the new String value for the TextNode


public void setTextNodeValue(java.lang.Object value)
                      throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Element
Sets the TextNode's Object value or does nothing if it does not exist.

Specified by:
setTextNodeValue in interface Element
value - the new Object value for the TextNode


public void addNotify()
Description copied from class: Component
Registers this component with dispatcher to be notified of ParameterEvents This method invokes the lazyAddNotify method to perform the work

addNotify in class Component


public void removeNotify()
Description copied from class: Component
Un-Registers this component with dispatcher. This method invokes the lazyRemoveNotify method to perform the work

removeNotify in class Component

Copyright © 2007 Martin T Phelan. All Rights Reserved.