Uses of Class

Packages that use Container
com.taursys.servlet This package contains components and subcomponents to build servlet based web applications. 
com.taursys.xml This package contains the core Mapper XML components and containers. 
com.taursys.xml.event This package contains event related classes for Mapper XML components. 

Uses of Container in com.taursys.servlet

Subclasses of Container in com.taursys.servlet
 class DefaultMessageForm
          Title: Mapper XML Description: Sub-project for Mapper XML support without using XMLC Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: Taurus Systems
 class ServletForm
          ServletForm is the base container invoked used by Servlet application.

Uses of Container in com.taursys.xml

Subclasses of Container in com.taursys.xml
 class BoundDocumentElement
          BoundDocumentElement is a DocumentElement which is bound to a ValueHolder.
 class DispatchingContainer
          DispatchingContainer is a Container which can function as a top or intermediate level Container and has its own set of event Dispatchers for its children.
 class DocumentElement
          DocumentElement is a simple container element for an XML document.
 class ElementDelegate
          ElementDelegate serves as a delegate for Elements by providing a full implementation of the Element interface.
 class Form
          Form is a top level Container for applications.
 class Template
          A Template is a component used to display and/or input multiple values.

Methods in com.taursys.xml that return Container
 Container ElementDelegate.getParent()
          Returns the parent container of this component else null.
 Container Component.getParent()
          Returns the parent container of this component else null.

Methods in com.taursys.xml with parameters of type Container
 void Form.printComponentTree(Container parent, java.lang.String level)
          Prints the component tree contents to the console
 void ComponentFactory.createComponents(Container container, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Creates components based on document, set their properties (including valueHolder) and adds them to the container.
 void ComponentFactory.printComponentTree(Container parent, java.lang.String level)
          Prints the component tree contents to the console
 void ComponentFactory.createComponents(Container container, ValueHolder[] holders, boolean bindExisting)
          Creates components based on document, set their properties (including valueHolder) and adds them to the container.

Uses of Container in com.taursys.xml.event

Constructors in com.taursys.xml.event with parameters of type Container
RenderDispatcher(Container c)
          Creates new RenderDispatcher with given Container as parent.
RecycleDispatcher(Container c)
          Constructs a new RecycleDispatcher with given Container as parent.

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