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7. Value Holders7.1 Heirarchy7.2 ValueHolders7.3 Binding Components to ValueHolders7.4 ObjectValueHolder7.5 VariantValueHolder7.6 VOValueHolder7.7 ObjectCollectionValueHolder7.8 ObjectListValueHolder7.9 VOCollectionValueHolder7.10 VOListValueHolder7.11 VOComparatorsVOComparator is a Comparator for sorting value objects in a VOListValueHolder. This can sort by one or more properties of the value object. Ascending or descending can be specified for each property (default is ascending). To sort by a single property, use the setPropertyName method. To sort by more than one property use the setPropertyNames method and pass it a String[] array of property names. To change the order for a single property, use the setAscendingOrder method (true=Ascending false=descending). To change the order for multiple properties, use the setAscendingOrders method and pass it a boolean[] array. The order of the ascending order indicators should match the array of property names. This VOComparator is then attached to the VOListValueHolder using the setComparator method. IMPORTANT: This VOComparator can only be used with one VOListValueHolder at a time - it cannot be shared. Example - sort ascending by a lastName VOListValueHolder holder = new VOListValueHolder(); VOComparator comparator = new VOComparator(); ... comparator.setPropertyName("lastName"); holder.setComparator(comparator); Example - sort ascending by a salary(descending), yearsWorked(ascending) VOListValueHolder holder = new VOListValueHolder(); VOComparator comparator = new VOComparator(); ... comparator.setPropertyNames(new String[] {"salary", "yearsWorked"}); comparator.setAscendingOrders(new boolean[] {false, true}); holder.setComparator(comparator); |
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