Class HTMLCheckBox

  extended bycom.taursys.xml.Component
      extended bycom.taursys.xml.Parameter
          extended bycom.taursys.xml.AbstractField
              extended bycom.taursys.xml.CheckboxField
                  extended bycom.taursys.html.HTMLCheckBox
All Implemented Interfaces:
DocumentComponent, Element, MapperComponent

public class HTMLCheckBox
extends CheckboxField

HTMLCheckBox is a peer component to an HTML input type checkbox. This field is for a stand-alone checkbox and maintains its checked/unchecked state.

This component uses an HTMLCheckboxFieldRenderer to render its value. If the CheckboxModel isSelected returns true, then the renderer adds the "checked" attribute to the input tag, otherwise it removed the attribute.

The HTML checkbox has a unique behavior in that it only sends a value if it is checked. It does not send anything back if it is un-checked. This behavior requires the use of a defaultValue or uncheckedValue.

The unselectedValue is used as the defaultValue for this component. If the unselectedValue is not null it will be used during parameter or input dispatching whenever the checkbox is NOT checked (no parameter is sent). In that case, the unselectedValue will be used as the value for the InputEvent.

Limitation: Since input processing will ALWAYS set the value to either the selectedValue (if input present) or unselectedValue (if no input is present), you will want to disable input processing when simply preseting or displaying values. With an HTML checkbox, there is no way to distinguish between an unchecked box or no input submission. To disable input processing, either set the ServletForm's enableInput property to false, or temporarily set the HTMLCheckBox's parameter property to null or blank.

This component uses a DefaultCheckboxModel to manage the state. There are only two states for this component: selected or not-selected.

To use this component you must first set the the following properties as indicated:

This component can function in three different ways, depending on the properties you set:

When used for input, this component receives its value from the InputDispatcher AFTER the openForm method of the ServletForm by default. If you want this component to receive its input earlier (at the same time as Parameters), set the earlyInputNotify property to true.

By default, this component uses a DefaultCheckboxModel. You can change this by overriding the createDefaultModel method or explicitly setting the model property.

This component can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used in an un-bound mode, where the current selected state is maintained internally. It can also be used in a bound mode where the current selected state is propagated to a value holder. When used in the bound mode a single property can be set in the value holder. The following sections describe the required settings to make for each of the modes.

Un-bound Mode

To use this component in the un-bound mode, you can set the following properties:

Bound Mode

To use this component in the bound mode, use the same properties as described in the Un-bound Mode, plus the following additional properties:

Marty Phelan

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new HTMLCheckBox
HTMLCheckBox(int javaDataType)
          Constructs a new HTMLCheckBox for the given data type
Method Summary
protected  CheckboxFieldRenderer createDefaultRenderer()
          Creates the default CheckboxFieldRenderer for this component.
 java.lang.String getDefaultValue()
          Get the both the defaultValue and the unselectedValue for this component.
 void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String newDefaultValue)
          Set the both the defaultValue and the unselectedValue for this component.
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.CheckboxField
createDefaultModel, createDefaultModel, getCheckboxModel, getRenderer, getSelectedValue, getText, getUnselectedValue, isSelected, processRenderEvent, setModel, setRenderer, setSelected, setSelectedValue, setText, setUnselectedValue
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.AbstractField
addAttribute, addNotify, addTextNode, createAttribute, createAttribute, createAttribute, createBoundAttribute, createBoundTextNode, createTextNode, createTextNode, createTextNode, getAttribute, getAttributeName, getAttributeText, getAttributeValue, getElementDelegate, getId, getTextNode, getTextNodeText, getTextNodeValue, isEarlyInputNotify, processInputEvent, removeAttribute, removeAttribute, removeNotify, removeTextNode, removeTextNode, setAttributeName, setAttributeText, setAttributeValue, setEarlyInputNotify, setId, setTextNodeText, setTextNodeValue, setValueHolder, toString
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.Parameter
getFormat, getFormatPattern, getModel, getParameter, getPropertyName, getValue, getValueHolder, processParameterEvent, setFormat, setFormatPattern, setParameter, setPropertyName, setValue
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.Component
addEventType, addInputListener, addParameterListener, addRecycleListener, addRenderListener, addTriggerListener, dispatchEvent, fireActionPerformed, fireInputReceived, fireParameterReceived, fireRecycle, fireRender, getEventTypeList, getParent, isNotifySet, isVisible, lazyAddNotify, lazyRemoveNotify, processEvent, processRecycleEvent, processTriggerEvent, removeEventType, removeInputListener, removeParameterListener, removeRecycleListener, removeRenderListener, removeTriggerListener, setVisible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLCheckBox()
Constructs a new HTMLCheckBox


public HTMLCheckBox(int javaDataType)
Constructs a new HTMLCheckBox for the given data type

javaDataType - data type for component value
See Also:
Method Detail


protected CheckboxFieldRenderer createDefaultRenderer()
Creates the default CheckboxFieldRenderer for this component. By default, this method returns a new HTMLCheckboxFieldRenderer. Override this method to define your own CheckboxFieldRenderer.

createDefaultRenderer in class CheckboxField


public void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String newDefaultValue)
Set the both the defaultValue and the unselectedValue for this component. The defaultValue and unselectedValue are the same for this component. If the defaultValue is not null it will be used during parameter dispatching whenever the expected parameter is NOT present in the input. In that case, the defaultValue will be used as the value for the InputEvent.

The HTML input type checkbox only sends a value if the box is checked, and NO value is sent if it is unchecked. Therfore the defaultValue is used to provide the input for the "unchecked" state.

setDefaultValue in class Parameter
newDefaultValue - to be used if no input is received.


public java.lang.String getDefaultValue()
Get the both the defaultValue and the unselectedValue for this component. The defaultValue and unselectedValue are the same for this component. If the defaultValue is not null it will be used during parameter dispatching whenever the expected parameter is NOT present in the input. In that case, the defaultValue will be used as the value for the InputEvent.

The HTML input type checkbox only sends a value if the box is checked, and NO value is sent if it is unchecked. Therfore the defaultValue is used to provide the input for the "unchecked" state.

getDefaultValue in class Parameter
default value to be used if no input is received.

Copyright © 2007 Martin T Phelan. All Rights Reserved.