Class HTMLComponentFactory

  extended bycom.taursys.xml.ComponentFactory
      extended bycom.taursys.html.HTMLComponentFactory

public class HTMLComponentFactory
extends ComponentFactory

HTMLComponentFactory is used to automate the creation of Components based on the HTML Document and its Elements. It determines the Component type based on its element tag "type" attribute and "id" attribute. This class initializes the tagTable with suggested components for HTML tags in its constructor by calling the initTagTable method.

This class provides a Singleton via the getInstance method. This is recommended over constructing a new instance.

This class contains two primary methods:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.taursys.xml.ComponentFactory
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor for HTMLComponentFactory.
Method Summary
protected  Component createComponentForElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element, NodeDescriptor nd)
protected  Component createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Create a component for given element and set its properties.
static HTMLComponentFactory getInstance()
          Get the singleton instance of the HTMLComponentFactory.
 java.util.Vector getSuggestedComponents(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Returns a Vector of suggested Component class names for given Element.
protected  void initTagTable()
          Initialize the factory's tagTable with suggested components for HTML documents.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void putTagSuggestion(java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.Class[] clazzes)
          Adds tag with multiple suggested components to tagTable
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.xml.ComponentFactory
bindComponent, createComponents, createComponents, getSuggestedComponents, parseBindSyntax, printComponentTree
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HTMLComponentFactory()
Default constructor for HTMLComponentFactory.

See Also:
Method Detail


public static HTMLComponentFactory getInstance()
Get the singleton instance of the HTMLComponentFactory.


protected void initTagTable()
Initialize the factory's tagTable with suggested components for HTML documents. During the automated Component creation, only the first suggestion is used. The other suggestions are intended for use by design tools. The following are the suggestions created by this class:
Element Tag Type Attribute Suggested Component(s)
center n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
input password com.taursys.html.HTMLInputText
th n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
td n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
code n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
dt n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
textarea n/a com.taursys.html.HTMLTextArea
link n/a com.taursys.html.HTMLAnchorURL
input hidden com.taursys.html.HTMLInputText
samp n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
strike n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
abbr n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
big n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
dd n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
sup n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
del n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
acronym n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
input submit com.taursys.xml.Button, com.taursys.xml.Trigger
span n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
sub n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
var n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
h6 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
h5 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
h4 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
input checkbox com.taursys.html.HTMLCheckBox
h3 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
h2 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
thead n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
h1 n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
strong n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
cite n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
kbd n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
title n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
li n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
small n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
option n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
ins n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
legend n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
caption n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
u n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
pre n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
s n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
q n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
select n/a com.taursys.html.HTMLSelect
p n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
label n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
input text com.taursys.html.HTMLInputText
blockquote n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
i n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
em n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
font n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
tt n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
b n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField
a n/a com.taursys.html.HTMLAnchorURL
dfn n/a com.taursys.xml.TextField

Specified by:
initTagTable in class ComponentFactory


public void putTagSuggestion(java.lang.String tagName,
                             java.lang.Class[] clazzes)
Adds tag with multiple suggested components to tagTable

tagName - the tag name
clazzes - the suggested components


public java.util.Vector getSuggestedComponents(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Returns a Vector of suggested Component class names for given Element. This method will choose the appropriate Components based on the type of Element given. The default Component type will be the first in the list.

If the component is an input component, then the TYPE attribute is also used in selecting the right component.

If the Element has an ID, then the com.taursys.xml.DocumentElement Component will be added to the end of the suggestion list.

If the id contains the TEMPLATE_NODE keyword, then a Template will be added to the top of the suggestion list.

If there are no suggested types of Component for the given Element, then an empty Vector will be returned.

Subclasses should override this method if more than the Element tag name is needed to determine the suggested components.

Specified by:
getSuggestedComponents in class ComponentFactory
element - to return default Component type for
a Vector containing any suggested Component class names


protected Component createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id,
                                              org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                                              ValueHolder[] holders)

Create a component for given element and set its properties. Only bound components with id's following a strict id naming convention will be created.

The id must begin with a ValueHolder's alias. It must then be followed by a double-underscore ("__"). Next the propertyName must appear or the keyword "TEMPLATE_NODE". An optional suffix can be added to ensure unique id's (as required by spec). The optional suffix must be separated from the property name by a double-underscore("__"). The following are examples of valid id format:

The alias of the id (first part), must match an alias of a ValueHolder in the given array of ValueHolders, otherwise no Component will be created. The ValueHolder with a matching alias will be set as the new Component's valueHolder.

If the new Component is an AbstractField subclass, then its propertyName will be set to the propertyName of the id (second part). If the given Element has a "name" attribute, the Component's parameter will be set to the value of the "name" attribute.

If the new Component is a Template (or subclass), then only its collectionValueHolder property will be set. The associated ValueHolder for this Component must be a CollectionValueHolder, otherwise no Component will be created.

This method will also attempt to setup the formatting properties for the new Component. This only applies to AbstractField subclasses. The format is extracted from the document within the element's "value" attribute, "href" attribute, or text node. The format must be specified as TYPE:pattern, where TYPE is one of: DATE NUMBER or MSG. The pattern should be a valid pattern for the format type. The following are examples of use:

Specified by:
createComponentForElement in class ComponentFactory
id - of Element to create component for
element - to create component for
holders - the array of ValueHolders for binding
new Component with properties set or null


protected Component createComponentForElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                                              NodeDescriptor nd)
Specified by:
createComponentForElement in class ComponentFactory
element -
nd -


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)

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