Uses of Interface

Packages that use ListValueHolder
com.taursys.model This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components. 
com.taursys.model.event This package contains event related classes which are generated by models and value holders. 
com.taursys.swing This package contains Mapper's Swing based components. 

Uses of ListValueHolder in com.taursys.model

Classes in com.taursys.model that implement ListValueHolder
 class AbstractListValueHolder
          AbstractListValueHolder is a partial implementation of a ListValueHolder Interface.
 class ObjectListValueHolder
          ObjectListValueHolder is ...
 class VOListValueHolder
          VOListValueHolder holds a List of value objects and maintains an internal position.

Uses of ListValueHolder in com.taursys.model.event

Constructors in com.taursys.model.event with parameters of type ListValueHolder
ListContentChangeEvent(ListValueHolder source, boolean contentNull)
          Constructs a new ContentChangeEvent

Uses of ListValueHolder in com.taursys.swing

Methods in com.taursys.swing that return ListValueHolder
protected  ListValueHolder MTableModel.createDefaultListValueHolder()
 ListValueHolder MTableModel.getListValueHolder()
 ListValueHolder MTable.getListValueHolder()
          Get the ListValueHolder used by the MTableModel
 ListValueHolder MComboBoxModel.getListValueHolder()
          Get the valueHolder with the list of options for this component.
 ListValueHolder MComboBox.getListValueHolder()
          Get the valueHolder with the list of options for this component.
 ListValueHolder ListSelectionBinder.getListValueHolder()
          Get the ListValueHolder to synchronize positions with.

Methods in com.taursys.swing with parameters of type ListValueHolder
 void MTableModel.setListValueHolder(ListValueHolder newListValueHolder)
 void MTable.setListValueHolder(ListValueHolder newListValueHolder)
          Set the ListValueHolder used by the MTableModel.
 void MComboBoxModel.setListValueHolder(ListValueHolder newListValueHolder)
          Set the valueHolder with the list of options for this component.
 void MComboBox.setListValueHolder(ListValueHolder holder)
          Set the valueHolder with the list of options for this component.
 void ListSelectionBinder.setListValueHolder(ListValueHolder newListValueHolder)
          Set the ListValueHolder to synchronize positions with.

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