Package com.taursys.model

This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components.


Interface Summary
BoundValueObject BoundValueObject - Interface for Value Objects which have any bound properties.
CheckboxModel CheckboxModel is a model which maintains 2 states: selected or unselected.
CollectionValueHolder This ValueHolder manages a collection of values.
ListValueHolder ListValueHolder is ...
SelectModel Model interface which holds a list of options and the selected item.
TextModel The TextModel is a foundation model for MapperXML.
ValueHolder A ValueHolder is a foundation subcomponent for MapperXML which is used by TextModels to store/retrieve the current "state" or value.

Class Summary
AbstractCollectionValueHolder A partial implementation of a CollectionValueHolder Interface.
AbstractListValueHolder AbstractListValueHolder is a partial implementation of a ListValueHolder Interface.
AbstractValueHolder AbstractValueHolder is a partial implementation of the ValueHolder Interface.
DefaultCheckboxModel CheckboxModel is a model which maintains 2 states: selected or unselected.
DefaultSelectModel Implementation of the SelectModel which holds a list of options and the selected item.
DefaultTextModel This class implements the TextModel interface and is designed to work with Parameter and Fields.
ObjectArrayValueHolder ValueHolder which stores an array of objects.
ObjectCollectionValueHolder This class is a ValueHolder which contains a Collection of Objects.
ObjectListValueHolder ObjectListValueHolder is ...
ObjectValueHolder ValueHolder which stores a Single Object value internally.
PropertyAccessor This is a helper class which provides access to value object properties.
PropertyAdapter Sets the name of the property in the valueObject to use.
SelectModelOption Object which holds a option display value and a selected indicator
VariantValueHolder ValueHolder which stores a given type of value internally.
VOCollectionValueHolder ValueHolder which has a Collection of ValueObjects.
VOComparator VOComparator is a Comparator for sorting value objects in a VOListValueHolder.
VOListValueHolder VOListValueHolder holds a List of value objects and maintains an internal position.
VOValueHolder This is an implementation of ValueHolder which stores value in a ValueObject(JavaBean).

Exception Summary
ModelException General Exception for problems encountered in Model objects.
ModelInvocationTargetException ModelPropertyAccessorException which is caused by InvocationTargetExceptions.
ModelParseException ModelExceptions encountered while parsing text value.
ModelPropertyAccessorException ModelExceptions encountered while accessing properties.
MultiModelParseException List of multiple ModelParseExceptions.
NotInListException Exception generated when item is not in list.
SelectModelException General Exception for problems encountered in DefaultSelectModel objects.
UnknownStateValueException UnknownStateValueException is caused within Checkbox model by unknown state values.

Package com.taursys.model Description

This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:

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