Class DefaultTextModel

  extended bycom.taursys.model.DefaultTextModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.swing.event.ChangeListener, java.util.EventListener, TextModel
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultCheckboxModel, DefaultSelectModel

public class DefaultTextModel
extends java.lang.Object
implements TextModel, javax.swing.event.ChangeListener

This class implements the TextModel interface and is designed to work with Parameter and Fields. This model stores its value in a ValueHolder object under a propertyName. This model converts the value to/from text using a given format and formatPattern. By default, this model uses a VariantValueHolder.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs new DefaultTextModel and initializes valueHolder via createDefaultValueHolder
DefaultTextModel(int javaDataType)
          Constructs new DefaultTextModel and sets valueHolder to a VariantValueHolder for given data type.
Method Summary
 void addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener l)
          Adds the specified change listener to receive change events from this model.
protected  ValueHolder createDefaultValueHolder()
          Creates default valueHolder to be used by this model.
protected  void fireStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent e)
          Reports a state change to all change listeners.
 java.text.Format getFormat()
          Returns the format for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.
 java.lang.String getFormatPattern()
          Returns the format formatPattern for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.
 java.lang.String getPropertyName()
          Returns the propertyName in the valueHolder where this model stores the value.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Returns the valueHolder's propertyValue as a String value using Format if defined.
 ValueHolder getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for this model.
 void removeChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener l)
          Removes the specified change listener so that it no longer receives change events from this model.
 void setFormat(java.text.Format newFormat)
          Sets the format for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.
 void setFormatPattern(java.lang.String newPattern)
          Sets the format formatPattern for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.
 void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
          Sets the propertyName in the valueHolder where this model stores the value.
 void setText(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the valueHolder's propertyValue from the given String value to DataType using Format(if defined) to parse.
protected  void setupFormat()
          Tries to applies the formatPattern to the format.
 void setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for this model.
 void stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent e)
          Invoked when the target ValueHolder of the listener has changed its state.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultTextModel()
Constructs new DefaultTextModel and initializes valueHolder via createDefaultValueHolder


public DefaultTextModel(int javaDataType)
                 throws UnsupportedDataTypeException
Constructs new DefaultTextModel and sets valueHolder to a VariantValueHolder for given data type.

UnsupportedDataTypeException - if invalid javaDataType is given
See Also:
Method Detail


protected ValueHolder createDefaultValueHolder()
Creates default valueHolder to be used by this model. Override this method or use the setValueHolder method to change the valueHolder.

a new ValueHolder for this component to use.


public java.lang.String getText()
                         throws ModelException
Returns the valueHolder's propertyValue as a String value using Format if defined. If the valueHolder's propertyValue is null, it will return an empty String ("").

Specified by:
getText in interface TextModel
the valueHolder's propertyValue as a formatted String
ModelException - if problem occurs when retrieving value from ValueHolder


public void setText(java.lang.String value)
             throws ModelException
Sets the valueHolder's propertyValue from the given String value to DataType using Format(if defined) to parse. If the given String value is null or empty (""), the accessed valueHolder's propertyValue is set to null.

Specified by:
setText in interface TextModel
ModelException - if problem parsing or storing value


protected void setupFormat()
Tries to applies the formatPattern to the format. This only occurs if the format and formatPattern are not null, and the format is an instance of MessageFormat, SimpleDateFormat, ChoiceFormat, or DecimalFormat.


public void setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
Sets the valueHolder for this model. The valueHolder is the object which holds the Object where this model stores the value. The default valueHolder is a VariantValueHolder with a javaDataType of String. Removes this DefaultTextModel as a change listener from the current ValueHolder (if any) and adds this as a change listener to the given ValueHolder.

Specified by:
setValueHolder in interface TextModel


public ValueHolder getValueHolder()
Returns the valueHolder for this model. The valueHolder is the object which holds the Object where this model stores the value. The default valueHolder is a VariantValueHolder with a javaDataType of String.

Specified by:
getValueHolder in interface TextModel
the ValueHolder used by this model to hold the actual value


public void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
Sets the propertyName in the valueHolder where this model stores the value. This name is ignored if you are using the VariantValueHolder.

Specified by:
setPropertyName in interface TextModel


public java.lang.String getPropertyName()
Returns the propertyName in the valueHolder where this model stores the value. This name is ignored if you are using the VariantValueHolder.

Specified by:
getPropertyName in interface TextModel
the name of the property in the ValueHolder which holds the actual value.


public void setFormat(java.text.Format newFormat)
Sets the format for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.

Specified by:
setFormat in interface TextModel


public java.text.Format getFormat()
Returns the format for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.

Specified by:
getFormat in interface TextModel
the Format object used to format and parse the text value


public void setFormatPattern(java.lang.String newPattern)
Sets the format formatPattern for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.

Specified by:
setFormatPattern in interface TextModel


public java.lang.String getFormatPattern()
Returns the format formatPattern for this model which is used by set/getText to parse/display values.

Specified by:
getFormatPattern in interface TextModel
the pattern to be used by the Format object to format and parse the text value.


public void stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent e)
Invoked when the target ValueHolder of the listener has changed its state. This message will simply be propagated to listeners of this component.

Specified by:
stateChanged in interface javax.swing.event.ChangeListener


public void removeChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener l)
Removes the specified change listener so that it no longer receives change events from this model. Change events are generated whenever the contents of the value holder change.

Specified by:
removeChangeListener in interface TextModel


public void addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener l)
Adds the specified change listener to receive change events from this model. Change events are generated whenever the contents of the value holder change.

Specified by:
addChangeListener in interface TextModel


protected void fireStateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent e)
Reports a state change to all change listeners.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. This contains the object identity and state information.

a string representation of this object

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