Class DefaultSelectModel

  extended bycom.taursys.model.DefaultTextModel
      extended bycom.taursys.model.DefaultSelectModel
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.swing.event.ChangeListener, java.util.EventListener, SelectModel, TextModel

public class DefaultSelectModel
extends DefaultTextModel
implements SelectModel

Implementation of the SelectModel which holds a list of options and the selected item. This model can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used in an un-bound mode, where the current selection is maintained internally. It can also be used in a bound mode where the current selection is propagated to a value holder. When used in the bound mode, either a single property, or multiple properties can be set in the value holder.

The following sections describe the required settings to make for each of the modes.

Un-bound Mode (uses internal VariantValueHolder)

When used in this mode this component uses an internal VariantValueHolder to hold the current selection. By default a VariantValueHolder is created with a data type of String. To set a different data type use the constructor which takes a data type as a parameter. (example new DefaultSelectModel(DataTypes.TYPE_INT)).

To use this component in the un-bound mode, you must set the following properties:

Bound Mode

To use this component in the bound mode, use the same properties as described in the Un-bound Mode, plus the following additional properties:

Setting the List

The list must be a type of CollectionValueHolder (example: VOCollectionValueHolder or VOListValueHolder). The holder can contain any type of object (but they must all be instances of the same class).

If the list is an ObjectArrayValueHolder, then the toString() method is used as the display value (regardless of the displayPropertyName). If used in the bound mode, the whole object itself is stored in the target ValueHolder's object (regardless of the property names listed in the setListPropertyNames method). It is important to make sure that the valueHolder property is the same type as the objects in the ObjectArrayValueHolder or a ModelException will occur.

You can also preset the list in the constructor by passing it an array of Objects to be used for the list. The resulting list will be an ObjectArrayValueHolder.

Other Important Information

When a selection is made, the values are copied from the properties in the list to the properties in the valueHolder object. The property names in propertyNames[] and listPropertyNames[] must appear in a corresponding order.

A "null" item will always be added to the displayOptionList. When the "null" item is selected, a null will be assigned to the propertyNames[] in the valueHolder object. The actual "null" item to to display is defined by the nullDisplay (default is "--none--").

The format and formatPattern govern the display property in this component. The getText method returns the formatted display property, while the setText method changes the current selection to one whose display matches the given value. If you attempt to setText for an item that is not in the list, a NotInListException will be thrown.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new DefaultSelectModel The default valueHolder for this model is a String VariantValueHolder.
DefaultSelectModel(int javaDataType)
          Constructs new DefaultSelectModel and sets valueHolder to a VariantValueHolder for given data type.
Method Summary
protected  void copyValues()
          Copies the corresponding values from the current listObject to the valueHolder object.
protected  CollectionValueHolder createDefaultList()
          Constructs a default list for this model.
protected  ValueHolder createDefaultValueHolder()
          Creates an ObjectValueHolder as the default ValueHolder for model.
protected  java.lang.String getCurrentPropertyValues()
 java.util.Collection getDisplayOptionList()
          Returns a Collection of the SelectModelOptions.
 java.lang.String getDisplayPropertyName()
          Returns the property name of the list object to display in the list.
 CollectionValueHolder getList()
          Returns collectionValueHolder which holds the collection of possible selections.
 java.lang.String[] getListPropertyNames()
          Returns array of property names in list object to copy to valueHolder object.
 java.lang.String getNullDisplay()
          Returns value to display in list for a null value.
 java.lang.String getPropertyName()
          Gets the property name in valueHolder that will hold the value from the list.
 java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
          Gets array of property names in valueHolder object that correspond to properties of list object.
 java.lang.Object getSelectedItem()
          Returns the currently selected item from the list.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Returns display value of current selection.
protected  boolean isCurrentMatch()
          Compares the corresponding property values of the current list with valueHolder object.
 boolean isNullAllowed()
          Returns indicator that a null value is a valid selection.
protected  boolean isValueNull()
          Returns true if all of the properties (propertyNames[]) are null.
 void setDisplayPropertyName(java.lang.String newDisplayPropertyName)
          Sets the property name of the list object to display in the list.
 void setList(CollectionValueHolder newList)
          Sets collectionValueHolder which holds the collection of possible selections.
 void setListPropertyNames(java.lang.String[] newListPropertyNames)
          Sets array of property names in list object to copy to valueHolder object.
 void setNullAllowed(boolean nullAllowed)
          Sets indicator that a null value is a valid selection.
 void setNullDisplay(java.lang.String newNullDisplay)
          Sets value to display in list for a null value.
protected  void setNullValues()
          Sets the propertyNames[] in the valueHolder object to null.
 void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
          Sets the property name in valueHolder that will hold the value from the list.
 void setPropertyNames(java.lang.String[] newPropertyNames)
          Sets array of property names in valueHolder object that correspond to properties of list object.
 void setSelectedItem(java.lang.Object value)
          Sets the current selection by searching through the list for the given object.
 void setText(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the current selection by matching the given value to the list's display values.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class com.taursys.model.DefaultTextModel
addChangeListener, fireStateChanged, getFormat, getFormatPattern, getValueHolder, removeChangeListener, setFormat, setFormatPattern, setupFormat, setValueHolder, stateChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.taursys.model.TextModel
addChangeListener, getFormat, getFormatPattern, getValueHolder, removeChangeListener, setFormat, setFormatPattern, setValueHolder

Constructor Detail


public DefaultSelectModel()
Constructs a new DefaultSelectModel The default valueHolder for this model is a String VariantValueHolder. The default list for this model is an ObjectArrayValueHolder with an empty Object array.


public DefaultSelectModel(int javaDataType)
                   throws UnsupportedDataTypeException
Constructs new DefaultSelectModel and sets valueHolder to a VariantValueHolder for given data type. The default list for this model is an ObjectArrayValueHolder with an empty Object array.

UnsupportedDataTypeException - if invalid javaDataType is given
See Also:
Method Detail


protected CollectionValueHolder createDefaultList()
Constructs a default list for this model. The default list is an ObjectArrayValueHolder with an empty Object array.


public java.lang.String getText()
                         throws ModelException
Returns display value of current selection.

Specified by:
getText in interface TextModel
getText in class DefaultTextModel
the valueHolder's propertyValue as a formatted String
NotInListException - if current valueHolder object values do not match any item in list.
ModelException - if problem while matching properties of valueHolder object to list object.


public void setText(java.lang.String value)
             throws ModelException
Sets the current selection by matching the given value to the list's display values. This method also copies the corresponding values from the selected list object to the valueHolder object. If the given value is null or a value matching the nullDisplay, this model will set the propertyNames[] in the valueHolder object to null.

Specified by:
setText in interface TextModel
setText in class DefaultTextModel
NotInListException - if the given value does not match any item in list.
ModelException - if problem while setting properties of object in valueHolder or fetching display values from the list.


public java.lang.Object getSelectedItem()
                                 throws ModelException
Returns the currently selected item from the list.

Specified by:
getSelectedItem in interface SelectModel
NotInListException - if current valueHolder object values do not match any item in list.
ModelException - if problem while matching properties of valueHolder object to list object.


public void setSelectedItem(java.lang.Object value)
                     throws ModelException
Sets the current selection by searching through the list for the given object. This method also copies the corresponding values from the selected list object to the valueHolder object. If the given value is null or a value matching the nullDisplay, this model will set the propertyNames[] in the valueHolder object to null.

Specified by:
setSelectedItem in interface SelectModel
NotInListException - if the given value does not match any item in list.
ModelException - if problem while setting properties of object in valueHolder or fetching display values from the list.


public java.util.Collection getDisplayOptionList()
                                          throws ModelException
Returns a Collection of the SelectModelOptions. The SelectModelOption has 2 properties: optionText which is the value to display in the list and selected, which indicates whether or not the item is selected.

The nullDisplay value will be first in the collection.

Specified by:
getDisplayOptionList in interface SelectModel
ModelException - if problem while matching properties of valueHolder object to list object.


protected java.lang.String getCurrentPropertyValues()
                                             throws ModelException


protected boolean isCurrentMatch()
                          throws ModelException
Compares the corresponding property values of the current list with valueHolder object.

true if values match
ModelException - if problem while accessing properties of valueHolder object or list object.


protected boolean isValueNull()
                       throws ModelException
Returns true if all of the properties (propertyNames[]) are null.

ModelException - if problem accessing properties of valueHolder object.


protected void copyValues()
                   throws ModelException
Copies the corresponding values from the current listObject to the valueHolder object.

ModelException - if problem copying values


protected void setNullValues()
                      throws ModelException
Sets the propertyNames[] in the valueHolder object to null.

ModelException - if problem occurs


protected ValueHolder createDefaultValueHolder()
Creates an ObjectValueHolder as the default ValueHolder for model.

createDefaultValueHolder in class DefaultTextModel
a new ValueHolder for this component to use.


public void setList(CollectionValueHolder newList)
Sets collectionValueHolder which holds the collection of possible selections.

Specified by:
setList in interface SelectModel


public CollectionValueHolder getList()
Returns collectionValueHolder which holds the collection of possible selections.

Specified by:
getList in interface SelectModel


public void setDisplayPropertyName(java.lang.String newDisplayPropertyName)
Sets the property name of the list object to display in the list. Default is "value".

Specified by:
setDisplayPropertyName in interface SelectModel


public java.lang.String getDisplayPropertyName()
Returns the property name of the list object to display in the list. Default is "value".

Specified by:
getDisplayPropertyName in interface SelectModel


public void setListPropertyNames(java.lang.String[] newListPropertyNames)
Sets array of property names in list object to copy to valueHolder object. Default is {"value"}.

Specified by:
setListPropertyNames in interface SelectModel


public java.lang.String[] getListPropertyNames()
Returns array of property names in list object to copy to valueHolder object. Default is {"value"}.

Specified by:
getListPropertyNames in interface SelectModel


public void setPropertyNames(java.lang.String[] newPropertyNames)
Sets array of property names in valueHolder object that correspond to properties of list object. Default is {"value"}.

Specified by:
setPropertyNames in interface SelectModel


public java.lang.String[] getPropertyNames()
Gets array of property names in valueHolder object that correspond to properties of list object. Default is {"value"}.

Specified by:
getPropertyNames in interface SelectModel


public void setPropertyName(java.lang.String newPropertyName)
Sets the property name in valueHolder that will hold the value from the list. If you have also used the setPropertyNames method, then this will change the first name in that array.

Specified by:
setPropertyName in interface TextModel
setPropertyName in class DefaultTextModel


public java.lang.String getPropertyName()
Gets the property name in valueHolder that will hold the value from the list. If you have also used the setPropertyNames method, then this will return the first name in that array.

Specified by:
getPropertyName in interface TextModel
getPropertyName in class DefaultTextModel
the name of the property in the ValueHolder which holds the actual value.


public void setNullAllowed(boolean nullAllowed)
Sets indicator that a null value is a valid selection. If true, the nullDisplay value will appear in the list of options generated by getDisplayOptionList and setText will accept null or the nullDisplay value. If false, the setText method will throw a NotInListException if null or the nullDisplay value is set, and the nullDisplay will not appear in the displayOptionList. Default is true.

Specified by:
setNullAllowed in interface SelectModel


public boolean isNullAllowed()
Returns indicator that a null value is a valid selection. If true, the nullDisplay value will appear in the list of options generated by getDisplayOptionList and setText will accept null or the nullDisplay value. If false, the setText method will throw a NotInListException if null or the nullDisplay value is set, and the nullDisplay will not appear in the displayOptionList. Default is true.

Specified by:
isNullAllowed in interface SelectModel


public void setNullDisplay(java.lang.String newNullDisplay)
Sets value to display in list for a null value.

Specified by:
setNullDisplay in interface SelectModel


public java.lang.String getNullDisplay()
Returns value to display in list for a null value.

Specified by:
getNullDisplay in interface SelectModel


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. This contains the object identity and state information.

toString in class DefaultTextModel
a string representation of this object

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