Uses of Class

Packages that use UnsupportedConversionException
com.taursys.model This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components. 
com.taursys.util This package contains assorted utility and Exception classes for the Mapper framework. 

Uses of UnsupportedConversionException in com.taursys.model

Methods in com.taursys.model that throw UnsupportedConversionException
 void PropertyAdapter.setText(java.lang.Object target, java.lang.String value, java.text.Format format)
          Sets the accessed Object from the given String value to DataType using Format(if defined) to parse.

Uses of UnsupportedConversionException in com.taursys.util

Methods in com.taursys.util that throw UnsupportedConversionException
static java.lang.Object DataTypes.convert(int javaDataType, java.lang.Object value)
          Returns an object of the type indicated by javaDataType set from the value of the given object.

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