Uses of Interface

Packages that use TextModel
com.taursys.model This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components. 
com.taursys.swing This package contains Mapper's Swing based components. 
com.taursys.xml This package contains the core Mapper XML components and containers. 

Uses of TextModel in com.taursys.model

Subinterfaces of TextModel in com.taursys.model
 interface CheckboxModel
          CheckboxModel is a model which maintains 2 states: selected or unselected.
 interface SelectModel
          Model interface which holds a list of options and the selected item.

Classes in com.taursys.model that implement TextModel
 class DefaultCheckboxModel
          CheckboxModel is a model which maintains 2 states: selected or unselected.
 class DefaultSelectModel
          Implementation of the SelectModel which holds a list of options and the selected item.
 class DefaultTextModel
          This class implements the TextModel interface and is designed to work with Parameter and Fields.

Uses of TextModel in com.taursys.swing

Methods in com.taursys.swing that return TextModel
 TextModel MDocument.getModel()
          Returns the model for this component
protected  TextModel MDocument.createDefaultTextModel()
          Creates the default model used by this component

Methods in com.taursys.swing with parameters of type TextModel
 void MDocument.setModel(TextModel newModel)
          Sets the TextModel used by this Document.

Uses of TextModel in com.taursys.xml

Methods in com.taursys.xml that return TextModel
protected  TextModel SelectField.createDefaultModel()
          Creates the default TextModel used by this component By default, this method returns a new DefaultSelectModel.
protected  TextModel SelectField.createDefaultModel(int javaDataType)
          Creates the default model of given data type used by this component
 TextModel Parameter.getModel()
          Returns the model for this component
protected  TextModel Parameter.createDefaultModel()
          Creates the default model used by this component
protected  TextModel Parameter.createDefaultModel(int javaDataType)
          Creates the default model of given data type used by this component
protected  TextModel CheckboxField.createDefaultModel()
          Creates the default TextModel used by this component By default, this method returns a new DefaultCheckboxModel.
protected  TextModel CheckboxField.createDefaultModel(int javaDataType)
          Creates the default model of given data type used by this component

Methods in com.taursys.xml with parameters of type TextModel
 void TextField.setModel(TextModel newModel)
 void SelectField.setModel(TextModel newModel)
          Sets the Model for this component to the given SelectModel.
 void Parameter.setModel(TextModel newModel)
          Sets the model used by this component.
 void CheckboxField.setModel(TextModel newModel)
          Sets the Model for this component to the given CheckboxModel.

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