Uses of Class

Packages that use Component
com.taursys.html This package contains HTML components for building web applications. 
com.taursys.servlet This package contains components and subcomponents to build servlet based web applications. 
com.taursys.xml This package contains the core Mapper XML components and containers. 
com.taursys.xml.event This package contains event related classes for Mapper XML components. 
com.taursys.xml.render This package contains rendering subcomponents for Mapper XML components. 

Uses of Component in com.taursys.html

Subclasses of Component in com.taursys.html
 class HTMLAnchorURL
          HTMLAnchorURL is a AttributeField which stores its value in the "href" attribute.
 class HTMLCheckBox
          HTMLCheckBox is a peer component to an HTML input type checkbox.
 class HTMLInputText
          HTMLInputText is the peer component for an html INPUT type="text" component.
 class HTMLSelect
          This components is a peer component for the <Select> tag in an HTML form.
 class HTMLTextArea
          HTMLTextArea is peer component for a TextArea.

Methods in com.taursys.html that return Component
protected  Component HTMLComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Create a component for given element and set its properties.
protected  Component HTMLComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element, NodeDescriptor nd)

Uses of Component in com.taursys.servlet

Subclasses of Component in com.taursys.servlet
 class DefaultMessageForm
          Title: Mapper XML Description: Sub-project for Mapper XML support without using XMLC Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company: Taurus Systems
 class ServletForm
          ServletForm is the base container invoked used by Servlet application.

Uses of Component in com.taursys.xml

Subclasses of Component in com.taursys.xml
 class AbstractField
          A Component which receives input and/or renders value to a Document.
 class Attribute
          An Attribute is a sub-component of an Element.
 class AttributeField
          A component which can receive input and/or render a value to an XML document element.
 class BoundDocumentElement
          BoundDocumentElement is a DocumentElement which is bound to a ValueHolder.
 class Button
          Button is a visible Trigger
 class CheckboxField
          This component is used to display and change a "selected indicator".
 class Container
          This class is a foundation container for MapperXML components.
 class DispatchingContainer
          DispatchingContainer is a Container which can function as a top or intermediate level Container and has its own set of event Dispatchers for its children.
 class DocumentElement
          DocumentElement is a simple container element for an XML document.
 class ElementDelegate
          ElementDelegate serves as a delegate for Elements by providing a full implementation of the Element interface.
 class Form
          Form is a top level Container for applications.
 class Parameter
          A Component which receives parameter values.
 class SelectField
          This component is used to display and change a selection.
 class Template
          A Template is a component used to display and/or input multiple values.
 class TextField
          A component which can receive input and/or render a value to an XML document element.
 class TextNode
          An TextNode is used as a sub-component of an Element.
 class Trigger
          A Component which responds to TriggerEvents.

Methods in com.taursys.xml that return Component
 Component[] Container.getComponents()
          Returns an array of all the components for this container.
protected abstract  Component ComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Create a component for given element and set its properties.
protected abstract  Component ComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(org.w3c.dom.Element element, NodeDescriptor nd)

Methods in com.taursys.xml with parameters of type Component
 void DispatchingContainer.add(Component c)
          Add a component to this container.
 void Container.add(Component c)
          Add a component to this container.
 void Container.remove(Component c)
          Removes the given component from this container and sets its parent to null.
 boolean Container.contains(Component c)
          Recursively searches for given Component and returns true if found.
 void Container.setComponents(Component[] newComponents)
          Sets of all the components for this container.
protected  boolean ComponentFactory.bindComponent(NodeDescriptor nd, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders, Component component)

Uses of Component in com.taursys.xml.event

Methods in com.taursys.xml.event with parameters of type Component
 void TriggerDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a TriggerEvent to the given component.
 void RenderDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a ParameterEvent to the given component.
 void RecycleDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a ParameterEvent to the given component.
 void ParameterDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a ParameterEvent to the given component.
 void OpenFormDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a OpenFormEvent to the given component.
 void InputDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches an InputEvent to the given component.
 void InitFormDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a InitFormEvent to the given component.
 void InitContextDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a InitContextEvent to the given component.
abstract  void Dispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches an Event to the given component.
 void Dispatcher.addNotify(Component c)
          Adds a component to the notification list unless it is already registered
 void Dispatcher.removeNotify(Component c)
          Removes a component from the notification list if it is registered
 void CloseFormDispatcher.dispatchToComponent(Component c)
          Dispatches a CloseFormEvent to the given component.

Constructors in com.taursys.xml.event with parameters of type Component
OpenFormDispatcher(Component source)
          Constructs a new OpenFormDispatcher
InitFormDispatcher(Component source)
          Constructs a new InitFormDispatcher
InitContextDispatcher(Component source)
          Constructs a new InitContextDispatcher
CloseFormDispatcher(Component source)
          Constructs a new CloseFormDispatcher

Uses of Component in com.taursys.xml.render

Fields in com.taursys.xml.render declared as Component
protected  Component AbstractSubcomponentRenderer.component

Methods in com.taursys.xml.render that return Component
 Component AbstractRenderer.getComponent()
          Get the component for this renderer

Constructors in com.taursys.xml.render with parameters of type Component
VisibleRenderer(Component c)
          Constructs a new VisibleRenderer for the given Component
AbstractSubcomponentRenderer(Component component)
          Constructs new AbstractSubcomponentRenderer
AbstractRenderer(Component c)
          Constructs a new AbstractRenderer for the given Component

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