Uses of Interface

Packages that use ValueHolder
com.taursys.html This package contains HTML components for building web applications. 
com.taursys.model This package contains the model and value holder subcomponents which hold, parse and format values for Mapper XML components. 
com.taursys.model.event This package contains event related classes which are generated by models and value holders. 
com.taursys.swing This package contains Mapper's Swing based components. 
com.taursys.xml This package contains the core Mapper XML components and containers. 

Uses of ValueHolder in com.taursys.html

Methods in com.taursys.html with parameters of type ValueHolder
protected  Component HTMLComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Create a component for given element and set its properties.

Uses of ValueHolder in com.taursys.model

Subinterfaces of ValueHolder in com.taursys.model
 interface CollectionValueHolder
          This ValueHolder manages a collection of values.
 interface ListValueHolder
          ListValueHolder is ...

Classes in com.taursys.model that implement ValueHolder
 class AbstractCollectionValueHolder
          A partial implementation of a CollectionValueHolder Interface.
 class AbstractListValueHolder
          AbstractListValueHolder is a partial implementation of a ListValueHolder Interface.
 class AbstractValueHolder
          AbstractValueHolder is a partial implementation of the ValueHolder Interface.
 class ObjectArrayValueHolder
          ValueHolder which stores an array of objects.
 class ObjectCollectionValueHolder
          This class is a ValueHolder which contains a Collection of Objects.
 class ObjectListValueHolder
          ObjectListValueHolder is ...
 class ObjectValueHolder
          ValueHolder which stores a Single Object value internally.
 class VariantValueHolder
          ValueHolder which stores a given type of value internally.
 class VOCollectionValueHolder
          ValueHolder which has a Collection of ValueObjects.
 class VOListValueHolder
          VOListValueHolder holds a List of value objects and maintains an internal position.
 class VOValueHolder
          This is an implementation of ValueHolder which stores value in a ValueObject(JavaBean).

Methods in com.taursys.model that return ValueHolder
 ValueHolder TextModel.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder used by the model for storing the value.
 ValueHolder ObjectValueHolder.getParentValueHolder()
          Get the parent ValueHolder for this VOCollectionValueHolder.
protected  ValueHolder DefaultTextModel.createDefaultValueHolder()
          Creates default valueHolder to be used by this model.
 ValueHolder DefaultTextModel.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for this model.
protected  ValueHolder DefaultSelectModel.createDefaultValueHolder()
          Creates an ObjectValueHolder as the default ValueHolder for model.
 ValueHolder AbstractCollectionValueHolder.getParentValueHolder()
          Get the parent ValueHolder for this VOCollectionValueHolder.

Methods in com.taursys.model with parameters of type ValueHolder
 void TextModel.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder used by the model for storing the value.
 void ObjectValueHolder.setParentValueHolder(ValueHolder parentValueHolder)
          Set the parent ValueHolder for this VOCollectionValueHolder.
 void DefaultTextModel.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for this model.
 void AbstractCollectionValueHolder.setParentValueHolder(ValueHolder parentValueHolder)
          Set the parent ValueHolder for this VOCollectionValueHolder.

Uses of ValueHolder in com.taursys.model.event

Constructors in com.taursys.model.event with parameters of type ValueHolder
ContentValueChangeEvent(ValueHolder source, java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.lang.Object newValue)
          Constructs a new ContentValueChangeEvent with the given information.
ContentChangeEvent(ValueHolder source, boolean contentNull)
          Constructs a new ContentChangeEvent for given source with indication of null state.
ContentChangeEvent(ValueHolder source)
          Constructs a new ContentChangeEvent for given source and indicates contents not null.

Uses of ValueHolder in com.taursys.swing

Methods in com.taursys.swing that return ValueHolder
 ValueHolder MTextField.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for the model.
 ValueHolder MTextArea.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for the model.
 ValueHolder MTableColumn.getValueHolder()
          Get the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.
 ValueHolder MDocument.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for the model.
 ValueHolder MComboBoxModel.getValueHolder()
          Get the ValueHolder which will store the selection
 ValueHolder MComboBox.getValueHolder()
          Get the ValueHolder which will store the selection
 ValueHolder MButton.getValueHolder()
          Sets the valueHolder for this button.

Methods in com.taursys.swing with parameters of type ValueHolder
 void MTextField.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for the model.
 void MTextArea.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for the model.
 void MTableColumn.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Set the valueHolder for this MTableColumn.
 void MDocument.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for the model.
 void MComboBoxModel.setValueHolder(ValueHolder valueHolder)
          Set the ValueHolder which will store the selection
 void MComboBox.setValueHolder(ValueHolder valueHolder)
          Set the ValueHolder which will store the selection
 void MButton.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for this button.

Uses of ValueHolder in com.taursys.xml

Methods in com.taursys.xml that return ValueHolder
 ValueHolder Parameter.getValueHolder()
          Returns the valueHolder for the model.
 ValueHolder BoundDocumentElement.getValueHolder()
          Get the ValueHolder for this component

Methods in com.taursys.xml with parameters of type ValueHolder
 void Parameter.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)
          Sets the valueHolder for the model.
 Attribute ElementDelegate.createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 TextNode ElementDelegate.createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 void ElementDelegate.setValueHolder(ValueHolder valueHolder)
          Sets the given ValueHolder for this ElementDelegate and sets the ValueHolder of each of its bound Attributes and TextNodes.
 Attribute Element.createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
          Creates and binds an Attribute with the given name to this Element.
 TextNode Element.createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
          Creates and binds a TextNode with the given name to this Element.
 Attribute DocumentElement.createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 TextNode DocumentElement.createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 void ComponentFactory.createComponents(Container container, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Creates components based on document, set their properties (including valueHolder) and adds them to the container.
 void ComponentFactory.createComponents(Container container, ValueHolder[] holders, boolean bindExisting)
          Creates components based on document, set their properties (including valueHolder) and adds them to the container.
protected abstract  Component ComponentFactory.createComponentForElement(java.lang.String id, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders)
          Create a component for given element and set its properties.
protected  boolean ComponentFactory.bindComponent(NodeDescriptor nd, org.w3c.dom.Element element, ValueHolder[] holders, Component component)
 Attribute Button.createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 TextNode Button.createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 void BoundDocumentElement.setValueHolder(ValueHolder valueHolder)
          Set the ValueHolder for this component
 Attribute AbstractField.createAttribute(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 TextNode AbstractField.createTextNode(java.lang.String propertyName, ValueHolder holder)
 void AbstractField.setValueHolder(ValueHolder newValueHolder)

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